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Have fun mixing it up…multiple pumpkins and mums and other spooky or seasonal decor. Arrange at different heights – hay is an easy and inexpensive way to do that – available at Michaels and Walmart. Don’t just pick one color of mums – mix it up and same for pumpkin sizes – go crazy and have fun with it!
I love the idea of carving out the inside of a pumpkin and placing a plant or flower arrangement inside – use plastic sleeve the plant came in or buy a clear plastic or container for just this purpose (or even cut up a milk or OJ jug). Add some candles, a festive table runner and your table will instantly be transformed. Buy this on sale at Crate & Barrel
or this one for $16.95 also at Crate & Barrel Buy Now
Sneak Peak at the rest of the week….Creative Carving, Cooking the Perfect Pumpkin Seeds, and the best of Pumpkin Spice! 
OK, full disclosure, I usually am not too creative with pumpkin carving…I admire creative carving, but am guilty of doing the same “triangle” face with a toothy smile (kinda boring). So, I’m motivating myself here as much as you!
Here are a few of my favorite seaside carvings (care of Coastal Living) ~I’m going to try the anchor…how hard can that be?!
(tip: saw stencils to print online!)
Embellishments! I’m going to play around with the toothpicks…!

I want to see what you come up with…post pictures on my FACEBOOK page (link on home page) – BEST PUMPKIN CARVING picture wins a $10 Starbucks card so you can go get your PSL Vente & a slice of Pumpkin Bread!
#3 – Pumpkin Seeds – Perfect Seasonal Snack
Aside from their easy preparation and deliciously crispy texture, pumpkin seeds are also loaded with nutrients. Their multiple health benefits give us plenty of reasons to keep snacking! According to the USDA, pumpkin seeds are full of essential nutrients, particularly magnesium, potassium, and zinc. Magnesium helps regulate blood pressure, as well as muscle and nerve function. Potassium has also been shown to help regulate blood pressure, as well as maintain healthy bones and muscles. Zinc boosts your immune system. And, they are a phenomenal source of protein—just one cup has over 18 grams of protein.
Cooking is easy, preparation is a little more work but totally worth it.
After carving your pumpkin, promptly rinse seeds well in a colander, removing as much pulp from the seeds as possible.
Second (and maybe most important), pat the seeds dry and then lay flat on foil lined baking sheet. This prevents them from getting soggy.
Brush or drizzle some olive oil on and then sprinkle with sea salt. Optional: I like to add a dash of smoked paprika (I LOVE smoked paprika and use it often).
Roast in preheated oven at 350 for 10-15 min.

#4 – Pumpkin Spice (PS) and Everything Nice 
So let’s jump on the bandwagon for a second and embrace everything pumpkin spice. Absolutely everything from coffee, tea, bread, waffles, snacks, etc. have gone pumpkin spice… however, if you dive in head first, you may OD on pumpkin before Halloween hits. Here’s a few ideas —